The Hunger Project Charity Training Sessions

O’Malley Fitness client Emily Sinclair is raising money for The Hunger Project (THP) as part of DECJUBA’s Game Changer Leadership Immersion Program. THP work to end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centred strategies throughout the world working towards ending hunger across the globe.

Above: Emily Sinclair

To support Emily, O’Malley Fitness is offering special group fitness sessions and will be donating 100% of the money generated towards Emily’s Hunger Project fund.

The fitness sessions are listed below, all hosted at our gym or Eastern Beach:

1.     Friday January 25th 6:30am group fitness (O'Malley Fitness)

2.     Friday February 22nd 6:30am group fitness (O'Malley Fitness)

3.     Saturday February 23rd 7am running group (Eastern Beach Fountain)

4.     Friday March 29th 6:30am group fitness (O'Malley Fitness)

5.     Saturday March 30th 7am running group (Eastern Beach Fountain)

Each session is $20 per person, payable on the day. If you would like to get fit whilst raising money for charity, please fill out the Pre-Training Assessment and we’ll see you there.

If you would like to donate directly to Emily’s fundraising page, hit the link below:

 All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Help us help Emily reach her goal of raising $5,000 for a great cause. For more information about the The Hunger Project, see their website, and be sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram.